Starting with silk roving and hankies, I spun yarn to weave this scarf. I used my spinning wheel and loom to make a gift for a friend's special occasion.
Last year I acquired a 4” pin loom at Oregon Flock and Fiber Festival..These little looms make easy little flowers to adorn a springtime hat or Easter bonnet.
I started to make a bracelet, but I had so much fun making Peyote stitch bead tubes, I made a necklace! I strung and crimped my woven beads with other…
Make a garment special with these unique and special beaded buttons that are easy to make.. All you need is a small piece of fabric, beads and a button kit.
Easy bracelets can be made for gifts to to coordinate with any outfit. Great beginner project that older kids will enjoy. Leather cord, beads, and a button.
Protect an e-reader or tablet with personal style - for yourself or a gift. Basic sewing and easy applique and embroidery with cotton, felted wool and threads.
Hand embroidery stitches transform a plain felted wool e-reader cover into something more playful. Cotton fabric lines the bag, and batting provided structure.
Learning I was going to be a Great-Grandma, I knitted this baby blanket using the Bundle of Joy knitting pattern. This is perfect for a baby shower gift.
This is an original art quilt, drafted in Electric Quilt. I printed foundation papers from my pattern, taped them together, then on to sew, press, cut, repeat.
I really have to pay attention when I bead with netting stitch! The black beads helped me keep track of the pattern. The peyote toggle clasp keeps it secure.
Each multistrand necklace makes its own statement with bead choice -. African trade beads, semi-precious gems, pearls and/or crystals. Add cones, chain, clasp.